awards. hugos

Hey look, the Hugo noms

This is probably post #350 or so on Hugo nominations that you will see in your feed this week.  I just want to focus on good stuff and bring your attention to the following categories for no reason other than there are a lot of amazing things in them.

BEST SEMIPROZINE (411 ballots)

  • Apex Magazine edited by Lynne M. Thomas, Jason Sizemore, and Michael Damian Thomas
  • Beneath Ceaseless Skies edited by Scott H. Andrews
  • Interzone edited by Andy Cox
  • Lightspeed Magazine edited by John Joseph Adams, Rich Horton, and Stefan Rudnicki
  • Strange Horizons edited by Niall Harrison, Brit Mandelo, An Owomoyela, Julia Rios, Sonya Taaffe, Abigail Nussbaum, Rebecca Cross, Anaea Lay, and Shane Gavin

BEST FANZINE (478 ballots)

Best Fan Writer (521 ballots)

Other good things:

Saga, volume 2 was nominated in the best Graphic Story category, which makes me very happy. Fiona Staples was nominated for the Best Professional Artist, along with some other very cool people.

– Related works category seems to be full of great writing, including Speculative Fiction 2012 and We Have Always Fought: Challenging the Women, Cattle and Slaves Narrative by Kameron Hurley

Complete list of all nominations can be seen, for example, here, with linkage to free fiction. And here’s a growing list of various discussion/opinion pieces on the Hugos (the list of best novel nominees leads me to believe there will be a lot of those).